Monday, April 21, 2014

Final Exam

The final exam will be a take-home exam, due Tuesday, April 29th, by 5 p.m. It will consist of seven essay questions from the review questions of Chapters 6-12 of the textbook (one for each chapter). As with the take-home essays from the midterm exam, you must indicate the page or pages from the textbook where the relevant information for your answer can be found. You may study together, but you must submit your own work, in your own words, on

...And the questions are:

  1. Why did reforms work in Central Europe but not in Russia?
  2. Can China still be described as Communist? (back up your answer)
  3. Why does India hold together at all?
  4. Has Mexico become a true democracy? How can you tell?
  5. What factors made Brazil democratic? Will it last?
  6. Why doesn't badly fragmented Nigeria just fall apart?
  7. What factors brought Iran's Islamic Revolution?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Nigeria (plus the Social Progress Index)

The article we reviewed in Wednesday's class referred to the United State's ranking in the Social Progress Index (16th out of 132 countries). Please check out the Social Progress Imperative's website to see what is being measured and why it matters. In addition to writing about Nigeria in your next blog post (due Monday before class), I'd like you to list your country's rank and its areas of relative strength and weakness. Anything interesting or surprising?

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Brazil (and Mexico continued)

We will start to explore Brazil and continue to examine Mexico in Monday's class. Mexico and Brazil make a really interesting contrast.

Please be sure that you are familiar with the key terms and can answer CORRECTLY the review questions at the end of the chapter. Monday's quiz will probably be on a key term rather than a review question. Your next blog post is due before class on Monday, and your comment on an Mexico post should already be up.

Here are a couple of thought-provoking links: "Does Brazil Have the Answer?" and "Brazil's Girl Power."

Saturday, March 29, 2014


We're moving a lot closer to home for Monday's class. Did you know that Mexico is officially Estados Unidos Mexicanos? That means we don't have the monopoly on "united states." How many states does Mexico have?

Please be sure that you are familiar with the key terms and can answer CORRECTLY the review questions at the end of the chapter. Your next blog post is due before class on Monday, and your comment on an India post should already be up.

Your country reports are due on on Monday by 11:59 p.m. Reminder: class id is 7804367 and the password is icg14.
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Thursday, March 20, 2014


Exceptional India is what you need to know about for Monday's class. Please be sure that you are familiar with the key terms and can answer CORRECTLY the review questions at the end of the chapter. Keep using the methods I outlined in class for taking notes on those questions because it seems to have helped with Monday's quiz and should make your life easier when it comes to studying for the final exam. I will continue to quiz you every Monday on one of the questions. Your next blog post is due before class on Monday, and your comment on a China post is due by midnight tomorrow (Friday). 

Friday, March 14, 2014


Now that you've finally put the midterm exam behind you, it's time to get smart on China for Monday's class. Please be sure that you are familiar with the key terms and can answer CORRECTLY the review questions at the end of the chapter. Use the methods I outlined in class for taking notes on those questions, and your life will be a dream of ease when it comes to studying for the final exam. I will continue to quiz you every Monday on one of the questions. Your next blog post is due before class on Monday, and your comment on a Russian post is due by midnight tonight (Friday). Lack of comments adversely impacted a few peoples grades. You can check out your own details on the campus portal.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Midterm Revisited

You may revise the essay section of your midterm as an open-book take-home exam. Submit your exam by Friday, 3/14, at noon, at (class id 7804367, password icg14). Please cite textbook page numbers in your answers. Ignore the original rubric, and answer the questions as completely and clearly as possible. You may not work with others on this.
1.     Do revolutions against tyranny always lead to democracy? Always? Give a recent example.

2.     Does stable democracy need a certain level of economic development? Specifically, what degree of economic development is required to sustain democracy? Are there any exceptions to this?

3.     How has geography influenced British development? Cite specific examples in your answer.

4.     What are two differences between Presidential and Parliamentary systems? Use the United States and Britain for tangible examples.

5.     Describe the French semi-presidential system. Specifically, address the roles of the executive and legislative branches in this system.

6.     Why is European unemployment so high?

7.     How does the German electoral system work?  If you were designing a country’s electoral system, would you adopt this system? Why or why not?

8.     Is German democracy as solid as any? How can you tell?

9.     How does Japan’s long and deep feudalism influence its current politics? Specifically, how has it helped shape its current institutions and distribution of power?

10.  What explains Japan’s economic success? And its current stagnation?

Friday, March 7, 2014


I hope you had a great spring break and are ready to move from democracies to post-communist systems for Monday's class. Please be sure that you are familiar with the key terms and can answer the review questions at the end of the chapter. Your next blog post is due before class on Monday. If you can't find something in the news about Russia this week, well, there's really no hope for you.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Have you made a significant comment on another student's blog post? We're moving from Europe to Asia for Wednesday's class. Please be sure that you are familiar with the key terms and can answer the review questions at the end of the chapter. Your next blog post is due before class on Wednesday. Here are a links to Japanese news sources that you might find helpful: Japan Today, Japan Times, and The Japan News.

I hope you all have an excellent long weekend!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Country Report Outline Due Wednesday

Your outlines are due on Wednesday, February 12th. If you didn't choose a country in class on Monday, please email me ASAP. Your report outline should include the five sections of a textbook chapter: 
  1. Impact of the Past
  2. Key Institutions
  3. Political Culture
  4. Patterns of Interaction
  5. What They Quarrel About
And each section should have some data you have found about your country of choice. Check your atlas for ideas about where to find data. Check with each other for good ideas.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Deutschland über alles

Have you made a significant comment on another student's blog post (due Friday)? We're moving from France just next-door to Germany for Monday's class. Please be sure that you are familiar with the key terms and can answer the review questions at the end of the chapter. Your next blog post is due before class on Monday. Can you find something interesting in the news about German politics? Click here for the tune.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Viva la France

Have you made a significant comment on another student's blog post (due Friday)? I hope you enjoyed Britain and will find exploring France for Monday's class interesting. Please be sure that you are familiar with the key terms and can answer the review questions at the end of the chapter. Your third blog post is due before class on Monday. Can you find something interesting in the news about French politics?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Rule Britannia

I hope you all had a good time commenting on each other's blog posts (due yesterday), and are going to enjoy exploring Britain for Monday's class. Please be sure that you are familiar with the key terms and can answer the review questions at the end of the chapter. Your second blog post is due before class on Monday. Can you find something interesting in the news about Britain's politics? Be ready for a map quiz, too.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Roskin, Chapter One

Your assignment, due before class on Wednesday, January 22nd, is to read Chapter 1 of the main textbook, and post to your blog a reading response that includes discussion of and a link to an article or post about a related current event (150 words). Be able to answer the ten review questions on page 21.

In addition, please review your maps to make sure you can ace a quiz on Wednesday.

Have a great long weekend!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Welcome to Into to Comparative Government

Your first dangerous assignment is to create a blog for this class and send me the link. I would prefer that you use and that you select a non-dynamic template so that your blog will be easy for everyone to follow. I will link all student class blogs on the sidebar here.  I also recommend that you subscribe to this blog so that you will be alerted to updates and never miss an assignment (see the button on the sidebar). No sweat. If you are sweating, please see me right away. You will be required to blog your reading responses, and technical ineptitude will not be a valid excuse for failing to do the assignment.

Looking forward to exploring the world with you this semester!